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Original price was: ₦40,500.00.Current price is: ₦28,000.00.
The oat bran helps aid absorption of Vitamin C • Powerful antioxidant • Maintains a healthy respiratory system • Maintains healthy skin and joints • Contains no sugar, preservatives, starch or artificial colourings


Original price was: ₦44,500.00.Current price is: ₦28,900.00.
At a glance... • Natural seabed deposit • Perfect blend of minerals in each tablet • Minerals play many roles in the human body from regulating fluid balance to activating genes and hormones

Forever® Arctic-Sea

Original price was: ₦44,500.00.Current price is: ₦33,000.00.
Forever Arctic-Sea Super Omega-3 is a breakthrough in terms of a balanced supplement, using both vegetable and mercury-free pharmaceutical-grade fish oils to derive the benefit of each. Omega-3 is an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid found in salmon and other seafood. Omega-9 is the unsaturated fatty acid found in vegetable products, like olive oil.

Forever Royal Jelly®

Original price was: ₦44,500.00.Current price is: ₦33,500.00.
Royal Jelly is a milky secretion derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. This "super food" of the bees is specially blended with enzymes and fed to each bee destined to become a queen. It is the exclusive food of the queen bee throughout her highly productive life, enabling her to lay up to 3,000 eggs per day during her six-year lifespan. • One of the most complete foods • Easily absorbed and readily digestible • No preservatives, artificial colors or flavors

Forever Aloe Vera Gel™

Original price was: ₦39,500.00.Current price is: ₦28,600.00.
This miraculous aloe leaf has been used for centuries because of its beneficial properties. a product of our patented Aloe stabilization process, our gel is favoured by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level.

FAB Forever Active Boost™ Energy Drink

Original price was: ₦17,800.00.Current price is: ₦10,000.00.

FAB is a quick, refreshing way to stay energized and alert all day long.

FAB’s “boost” is different from other energy drinks because it gives you both immediate and long-term energy. The immediate boost comes from guarana, while the long-term energy is powered by ADX7 technology.


Original price was: ₦39,500.00.Current price is: ₦31,200.00.
Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® is the perfect addition to your healthy Forever Living lifestyle. Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® integrates new thinking with new technologies to help you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. FOREVER LITE ULTRA - VANILLA

Forever Aloe Berry Nectar

Original price was: ₦39,000.00.Current price is: ₦28,000.00.
Forever Aloe Berry Nectar – Anti-inflammatory. Natural antibiotic, cell regenerator. It contains quality                                   proteins.Forever Aloe Berry Nectar contains all of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes found in our Aloe Vera Gel, plus the added benefits of cranberry and apple.
Forever Aloe Berry Nectar aids in digestion and can relieve constipation,diarrhea and intestinal issues. Used for more than 3500 years as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, there is evidence that Cleopatra used aloe to keep her skin supple.

Clean 9 Pack

Original price was: ₦125,000.00.Current price is: ₦113,000.00.
Clean 9 Pack is a nine-day program that is designed to cleanse your body of harmful preservatives and other chemicals, as well as start to burn your excess fat. The Clean 9 program combines calorie control with exercise to lose weight, and make you feel good!